Test Signature
API Reference - Gets a test signature
The test signature is a unique hash identifier for a specific test in our system. It is based in the combination of the organization ID, the project ID, the spec file where the test belongs to and the test title.
This combination ensures uniqueness to identify a specific test for metrics purposes and runs completion awareness.
Get Test Signature
Request Body
The properties sent in the request are needed to get the correct test signature.
Array<String> | String
Title of the test that is usually divided in multiple strings. Can also be sent as an string by copying directly from the dashboard.
Spec File Path
The spec file path is a string but it may be just the name of the spec file like this example:
Can also be a name without file extensions (Usually in JUnit payloads Others (JUnit XML))
Or might also be a full relative path to a file
It is important that the spec file path is set exactly to how it is reported to Currents otherwise it will not return a test signature that matches a test reported to Currents.
Test Title
The test title in Currents is always an array reported by the framework and refers to the title of the test.
This array can have a single element and show as a single phrase:
Or can also be made up of multiple elements, like when there are multiple nested describe
groups and within those the it
functions defining each test. For this case the title looks like this:
This last example can be visualized as follows in an array:
In the spec file might look like this:
The Test signature endpoint can also accept the string copied from the dashboard as testTitle
property for ease of use, meaning you could simply send the title you see in the dashboard instead of an array:
It is important to understand how the Spec File Path and Test Title is formed so the information sent to the API is correct.
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