Running Playwright tests in parallel with Jenkins and Currents Dashboard
Here's an example of Jenkins pipeline that is running Playwright tests in parallel on 2 workers.
The pipeline will be running 2 workers, based on Docker image. Those workers will run all the tests in parallel.
The steps are:
Use as the base image
Install the necessary dependencies: playwright and @currents/playwright
Here's the full Jenkins pipeline configuration file:
pipeline {
agent {
// this image provides everything needed to run Playwright
docker {
image ''
stages {
// installs node dependencies
stage('build') {
steps {
echo "Running build ${env.BUILD_ID} on ${env.JENKINS_URL}"
sh 'npm install playwright @currents/plawyright'
// this stage runs Playwright tests, and each agent uses the workspace
// from the previous stage
stage('Playwright parallel tests') {
environment {
// see
CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY = credentials('currents-record-key')
CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID = credentials('currents-project-id')
// Run parallel workers, see:
parallel {
// each worker is running the same command,
stage('tester A') {
steps {
echo "Running build ${env.BUILD_ID}"
sh "npx pwc --key ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --project-id ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --ci-build-id ${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.BUILD_ID} --shard 1/2 --output test-results/shard-1"
// second tester runs the same command
stage('tester B') {
steps {
echo "Running build ${env.BUILD_ID}"
sh "npx pwc --key ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --project-id ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --ci-build-id ${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.BUILD_ID} --shard 2/2 --output test-results/shard-2"
Using last failed flag with shards and orchestration
We have made available a public repository with an example of how to setup last failed functionality using shards and orchestration in different machines.
Here you will be able to find the following Jenkinsfile that accepts two parameters:
A CI Build ID from a previous run that you can use to apply the --last-failed flag. If this parameter is set, then the pipeline will automatically apply this tag and only run the failed tests from that run if found.
A checkbox for knowing if you want to run an orchestrated run. If so, the pipeline will use pwc-p command instead of pwc.
In order to use the --last-failed flag, in addition to the project ID and record key, a Currents API key is needed (You can find it in the API Keys section in your dashboard).
This example uses the API Key and the @currents/cmd package to query for the run corresponding to the CI Build ID and generates the .last-run.json file with that information.
Also, within the Jenkinsfile you can set different values as env variables for the total amount of shards TOTAL_SHARDS or the number of parallel jobs for orchestration PARALLEL_JOBS.
Install the @currents/cmd package
npm install -D @currents/cmd
pipeline {
agent any
parameters {
string(name: 'CI_BUILD_ID', defaultValue: 'none', description: 'Set this value if you want to execute only the failed tests from a specific run')
booleanParam(name: 'IS_ORCHESTRATION', defaultValue: false, description: 'Set this value if you want to execute an orchestrated run')
environment {
options {
timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES')
stages {
stage('Checkout') {
steps {
checkout scm
stage('Install Dependencies') {
steps {
sh 'npm ci'
sh 'npx playwright install'
sh 'rm -rf test-results'
sh 'rm -rf .last-run.json'
stage('Set params CI Build ID') {
steps {
script {
env.CI_BUILD_ID = "${params.CI_BUILD_ID}"
echo "CI_BUILD_ID is set to: ${params.CI_BUILD_ID}"
echo "Verify values: ${env.CI_BUILD_ID} ${params.IS_ORCHESTRATION}"
stage('Run Tests decision') {
steps {
runTestsDecision(env.CI_BUILD_ID, params.IS_ORCHESTRATION)
def runTestsDecision(ciBuildId, isOrchestration) {
if (ciBuildId && ciBuildId != 'none') {
stage('Run Tests with last failed') {
script {
echo "Running tests with last failed: ${ciBuildId} ${env.TOTAL_SHARDS}"
script {
sh "npx currents api get-run --api-key ${env.CURRENTS_API_KEY} --project-id ${env.CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID} --ci-build-id ${env.CI_BUILD_ID} --pw-last-run --output .last-run.json"
sh 'cat .last-run.json'
if (isOrchestration && isOrchestration == true) {
runPlaywrightOrchestration(env.PARALLEL_JOBS.toInteger(), true)
} else {
runPlaywrightSharded(env.TOTAL_SHARDS.toInteger(), true)
} else {
stage('Run Tests') {
script {
echo 'Running tests'
if (isOrchestration && isOrchestration == true) {
runPlaywrightOrchestration(env.PARALLEL_JOBS.toInteger(), false)
} else {
runPlaywrightSharded(env.TOTAL_SHARDS.toInteger(), false)
def runPlaywrightSharded(shardTotal, lastFailed) {
def parallelStages = [:]
for (int i = 1; i <= shardTotal; i++) {
def shardIndex = i
parallelStages["shard${shardIndex}"] = {
if (lastFailed) {
sh "mkdir -p test-results/shard-${shardIndex}"
sh "cp .last-run.json test-results/shard-${shardIndex}/.last-run.json"
runPlaywrightTestsLastFailed(shardIndex, shardTotal)
} else {
runPlaywrightTests(shardIndex, shardTotal)
parallel parallelStages
def runPlaywrightTests(shardIndex, shardTotal) {
stage("Run Playwright Tests - Shard ${shardIndex}") {
script {
def command = "npx pwc --shard=${shardIndex}/${shardTotal}"
echo "Running command: ${command}"
sh "${command}"
def runPlaywrightTestsLastFailed(shardIndex, shardTotal) {
stage("Run Playwright Tests - Shard ${shardIndex}") {
script {
def command = "npx pwc --shard=${shardIndex}/${shardTotal} --last-failed --output test-results/shard-${shardIndex}"
echo "Running command: ${command}"
sh "${command}"
def runPlaywrightOrchestration(parallelTotal, lastFailed) {
def parallelStages = [:]
for (int i = 1; i <= parallelTotal; i++) {
def parallelIndex = i
parallelStages["parallel${parallelIndex}"] = {
if (lastFailed) {
sh "mkdir -p test-results/parallel-${parallelIndex}"
sh "cp .last-run.json test-results/parallel-${parallelIndex}/.last-run.json"
} else {
parallel parallelStages
def runPlaywrightTestsOrchestration(parallelIndex) {
stage("Run Playwright Tests - Orchestration ${parallelIndex}") {
script {
def command = 'npx pwc-p'
echo "Running command: ${command}"
sh "${command}"
def runPlaywrightTestsLastFailedOrchestration(parallelIndex) {
stage("Run Playwright Tests - Orchestration ${parallelIndex}") {
script {
def command = "npx pwc-p --last-failed --output test-results/parallel-${parallelIndex}"
echo "Running command: ${command}"
sh "${command}"