Playwright Visual Testing

Integrating Playwright Visual Comparison tools with Currents - including Argos, Percy and Applitools.

Native Playwright Visual Comparison

Playwright has a built-in support for Visual Comparisons, allowing generation of screenshots and failing a test in case reference screenshots differ from the actual ones.

Here's an example of a test that includes visual comparison:

test('example test', async ({ page }) => { 
  await page.goto(''); 
  await expect(page).toHaveScreenshot({ maxDiffPixels: 100 });}

Currents automatically detects tests with visual comparison enabled and shows a dedicated widget for the relevant tests:

Playwright Visual Testing with Argos

While Native Playwright Visual Comparison is a good start as a basic tool, a more advanced and dedicated visual testing solution can greatly improve the effectiveness of your testing suite. Our friends at Argos offer a comprehensive, open-source (and loved) visual testing platform that takes care of the difficult parts of visual testing:

  • stabilization: prevent visual testing flakiness by preventing font and styling changes

  • test across various resolutions: ensuring every detail is captured without missing a thing

  • pull request comments and status checks

Argos is 100% compatible with Playwright Sharding and Currents Reporting + Orchestration, allowing effective and painless CI setup, continuous reporting, debugging with supercharged visual testing.

Argos + Currents Orchestration

Argos and Currents natively support Playwright Sharding for parallel CI executions - follow the setup instructions and configure both reporters to see the visual testing artifacts reported to Argos and the rest of test results reported to Currents.

Using Argos with Playwright Orchestration requires an additional step - notifying Argos after run's completion. This is necessary because Currents Orchestration can have an arbitrary number of CI machines participating in an execution and the allocation of tests to CI machines is dynamic.

Requires @currents/playwright 1.6.0+

See the example repository which showcases using GitHub Actions with 3 parallel containers + Currents Orchestration + Argos.

Playwright Configuration
// playwright.config.ts
import { currentsReporter } from "@currents/playwright";
import { devices, PlaywrightTestConfig } from "@playwright/test";

const config: PlaywrightTestConfig = {
// ...
  reporter: [
    currentsReporter(), // explicitly activate Currents Reporter
      // See
        uploadToArgos: true, 
// ...

GitHub Actions Workflow
      fail-fast: false
        shard: [1, 2, 3] # run 3 parallel containers
# ...
- name: Orchestrated PW + Argos
  working-directory: ./argos
    ARGOS_PARALLEL_TOTAL: -1 # important to set to -1 to enable "finalize" call.
    ARGOS_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.ARGOS_TOKEN }} 
  run: | # start Currents Orchestration
    npx pwc-p 
Currents Configuration
// currents.config.ts

import type { CurrentsConfig, OrchestrationStatus } from "@currents/playwright";
import { $ } from "execa";

// OrchestrationStatus has the latest status reported by Currents API - it contains data from all the machines participating in a run
async function onFinish(status: OrchestrationStatus) {
  // run `argos finalize` after all machines 
  if (status.specs.completed === status.specs.overall) {
    try {
      const finalize = await $`npx argos finalize`;
    } catch (e) {

const config: CurrentsConfig = {
  recordKey: assertEnvVariable("CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY"),
  projectId: assertEnvVariable("CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID"),
  ciBuildId: `${process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ID}-${process.env.GITHUB_RUN_ATTEMPT}`,
  orchestration: {
    skipReporterInjection: true, // mandatory for integration with Argos
    onFinish, // mandatory step for finalizing Argos Build

export default config;

function assertEnvVariable(name: string) {
  if (!process.env[name]) {
    throw new Error(`Missing environment variable ${name}`);
  return process.env[name];
  • set orchestration.skipReporterInjection to true

  • note the use of onFinish lifecycle hook - the corresponding function will run and receive OrchestrationStatus object that can be used to determine run's completion

Applitools, Percy and other visual testing tools

You can use the same concept to send a "finalize" command to other visual testing tools like Applitools and Percy.

Last updated