Commit Information

Displaying Commit Information on Currents

Currents client SDKs use a set of git commands to obtain git commit information. This information is being used to display Run Details and enable certain platform features, for example

  • show analytics filtered by branch flakiness

  • searching items based on commit message

  • integration with SVC providers

If no commit information is available either from.git folder or from environment variables, no commit data will be shown in the dashboard.

Commit information must be available for Bitbucket, GitHub and GitLab integrations (PR comments, commit status updates).

Currents uses the following information:


Run Title

Commit message

Branch Link

Git origin + branch name

Commit Link

Git origin + commit SHA


Commit author

Git Commands

Currents uses the following commands to get the commit data (see src/git-api.js):

  • git branch: git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD

  • commit message: git show -s --pretty=%B

  • commit author email: git show -s --pretty=%ae

  • commit author name: git show -s --pretty=%an

  • commit SHA: git show -s --pretty=%H

  • git origin: git config --get remote.origin.url

GitHub Actions and Pull Requests

Currents automatically detects PR information, including PR title and the target branch when running in GitHub Actions as a result of pull_request GHA event. When a Pull Request is detected, Currents uses the following Pull Request data instead of the commit information.


Run Title

Pull Request title

Commit Link

Pull Request discussion link

Commit SHA

Source branch latest commit SHA

You can change this behavior in Project Settings.

Overriding Commit Info

You can override the commit info by manually setting environment variables:

COMMIT_INFO_MESSAGE: commit message
COMMIT_INFO_EMAIL: commit author email
COMMIT_INFO_AUTHOR: commit author name
COMMIT_INFO_SHA: commit info sha
COMMIT_INFO_TIMESTAMP: commit timestamp
COMMIT_INFO_REMOTE: remote origin

For example, if .git directory isn't available on the CI machine and the commands mentioned above return no value, you can set the environment variables explicitly. This method can be helpful for non-traditional setups, for example:

  • tests repo is different from application source code repo and you want to show the source code commit details in the dashboard

  • manual CI pipeline invocation

  • local testing

Troubleshooting Commit Info

If you're not seeing git information for your runs, most chances .git directory is not available in the CI environment and Currents can't detect the commit information automatically.

Last updated