
Setup and usage instruction for cypress-cloud

Please refer to the most recent documentation published in the GitHub repository

We are suspending our support of integration with Cypress starting from version 13.

We will continue to support older versions of Cypress and provide assistance to the affected customers. Please contact our support channels for details.

Read more


Install the package:

npm install cypress-cloud

Create a new configuration file: currents.config.js in the project’s root, set the projectId and the record key obtained from Currents or your self-hosted instance of Sorry Cypress:

// currents.config.js
module.exports = {
  projectId: "Ij0RfK",
  recordKey: "xxx",
  // Sorry Cypress users - set the director service URL
  cloudServiceUrl: "",

Add cypress-cloud/plugin to cypress.config.{j|t}s

// cypress.config.js
const { defineConfig } = require("cypress");
const { cloudPlugin } = require("cypress-cloud/plugin");
module.exports = defineConfig({
  e2e: {
    // ...
    async setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
      const result = await cloudPlugin(on, config);
      return result;

Add cypress-cloud/support to cypress support file


Setup with existing plugins

Please refer to our collection of guides for setting up cypress-cloud together with other plugins


npx cypress-cloud --parallel --record --ci-build-id hello-cypress-cloud

See all the available options npx cypress-cloud --help. Learn more about CI Build ID.


Please refer to the most recent documentation published in the GitHub repository

Last updated

#465: SCIM documentation

Change request updated