Playwright - Jenkins

Running Playwright tests in parallel with Jenkins and Currents Dashboard

Here's an example of Jenkins pipeline that is running Playwright tests in parallel on 2 workers.

The pipeline will be running 2 workers, based on Docker image. Those workers will run all the tests in parallel.

The steps are:

  • Use as the base image

  • Install the necessary dependencies: playwright and @currents/playwright

  • Populate the environment variable CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY using Jenkins Credentials Store. Learn more about Record Key

  • Populate the environment variable CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID using Jenkins Credentials Store.

  • Run Playwright tests on 2 workers, using CI Build ID for "connecting" the workers to the same parallel run. See CI Build ID.

npx pwc --key CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY --project-id CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID --ci-build-id ${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.BUILD_ID}"

Here's the full Jenkins pipeline configuration file:

pipeline {
  agent {
    // this image provides everything needed to run Playwright
    docker {
      image ''

  stages {
    // installs node dependencies
    stage('build') {
      steps {
        echo "Running build ${env.BUILD_ID} on ${env.JENKINS_URL}"
        sh 'npm install playwright @currents/plawyright'

    // this stage runs Playwright tests, and each agent uses the workspace
    // from the previous stage
    stage('Playwright parallel tests') {
      environment {
        // see
        CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY = credentials('currents-record-key')
        CURRENTS_PROJECT_ID = credentials('currents-project-id')

      // Run parallel workers, see:
      parallel {
        // each worker is running the same command, 
        stage('tester A') {
          steps {
            echo "Running build ${env.BUILD_ID}"
            sh "npx pwc --key ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --project-id ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --ci-build-id ${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.BUILD_ID}"

        // second tester runs the same command
        stage('tester B') {
          steps {
            echo "Running build ${env.BUILD_ID}"
            sh "npx pwc --key ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --project-id ${env.CURRENTS_RECORD_KEY} --ci-build-id ${env.BRANCH_NAME}-${env.BUILD_ID}"


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