
API Reference - Runs resource

This is an object representing Playwright tests run. You can retrieve a run's details and cancel a run.

  • See Projects API resource to list runs associated with a project.

  • See InstancesAPI resource for fetching Instance object by an instanceId

Asset URLs listed in the responses (videos, screenshots) are "signed" URLs. They are only valid for 2h since their retrieval.

Get Run details

GET v1/runs/:runId

Path Parameters




Run ID

Note: The output may vary between Cypress and Playwright runs.

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "runId": "0a91f41ed60abfab9ea509e866ba9d6d", // run id
        "projectId": "bAYZ4a", // associated project Id
        "completionState": "COMPLETE", // "CANCELED" | "COMPLETE" | "IN_PROGRESS" | "TIMEOUT"
        "status": "FAILED", // "FAILED" | "FAILING" | "PASSED" | "RUNNING"
        "createdAt": "2022-07-06T08:23:40.939Z", // run creation time
        "tags": ["tagA", "tagB"], // run tags
        "cypressVersion": "9.5.4", // cypress runner version
        // timeout details
        "timeout": { 
            "isTimeout": true, // whether the run timed out
            "timeoutValueMs": 3600000 // value used for timeout
        // Groups progress within the run
        "groups": [
                "groupId": "regression-c64c5c2b976aa5047507cb8badc889aac7539a3b-2621389820-1",
                // Platform details for the run
                "platform": {
                    "osName": "linux",
                    "osVersion": "Debian - 10.11",
                    "browserName": "Chrome",
                    "browserVersion": "97.0.4692.71"
                // Instances / specs progress
                "instances": {
                    "overall": 73,
                    "claimed": 73,
                    "complete": 73,
                    "passes": 62,
                    "failures": 11
                // Tests progress
                "tests": {
                    "overall": 264,
                    "passes": 230,
                    "failures": 16,
                    "pending": 12,
                    "skipped": 6,
                    "retries": 3,
                    "flaky": 3
        "meta": {
            // CI Build ID associated with the run
            "ciBuildId": "regression-c64c5c2b976aa5047507cb8badc889aac7539a3b-2621389820-1",
            // Git commit info
            "commit": {
                "sha": "c64c5c2b976aa5047507cb8badc889aac7539a3b",
                "branch": "feat/branch",
                "authorName": "John Doe",
                "authorEmail": "",
                "message": "Commit message",
                "remoteOrigin": "",
                "defaultBranch": null
        // Spec files associated with the run
        "specs": [
                // Spec groupId
                "groupId": "regression-c64c5c2b976aa5047507cb8badc889aac7539a3b-2621389820-1",
                // Spec file path
                "spec": "integration/api/external-api-call-tests.ts",
                // Associated instance ID
                "instanceId": "b5f95e95-726f-4a3b-9edc-6cc0b0eb85fd",
                // Time when a cypress runner requested the spec file
                "claimedAt": "2022-07-06T08:37:58.317Z",
                // Time when a cypress runner reported the results to the dashboard
                "completedAt": "2022-07-06T08:38:05.113Z",
                // Cypress runner that requested the spec file 
                "machineId": "327043fb-f9df-4611-9a5e-8a33bbba7247",
                // The results of the instance associated with the spec file
                "results": {
                    // Signed video URL 
                    "videoUrl": "",
                    // Aggregated test results for the instance
                    "stats": {
                        "suites": 1,
                        "tests": 2,
                        "passes": 0,
                        "pending": 1,
                        "skipped": 0,
                        "failures": 1,
                        "wallClockStartedAt": "2022-07-06T07:25:50.856Z",
                        "wallClockEndedAt": "2022-07-06T07:25:50.992Z",
                        "wallClockDuration": 136
                    // Screeenshots associated with the instance
                    "screenshots": [
                            "screenshotId": "wz9n2",
                            "name": null,
                            "testId": "r3",
                            "testAttemptIndex": 0,
                            "takenAt": "2022-07-06T07:25:50.893Z",
                            "height": 720,
                            "width": 1280,
                            "screenshotURL": ""
                    // The amount of flaky tests detected in the instance
                    "flaky": 0

Cancel a Run

PUT v1/runs/:runId/cancel

Path Parameters




Run ID

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "actor": "api:keyName", // api key name used to cancel the run
        "canceledAt": "2022-07-07T07:22:13.611Z", // cancellation time
        "reason": "apiRequest", // cancellation reason
        "runId": "9ee42e4b85c02c634fe30b26d728624e" // associated runId

Deleting a Run

DELETE v1/runs/:runId

Path Parameters




Run ID

    "status": "OK",
    "data": {
        "runId": ":runId",
        "actor": "API Request"

Last updated

Change request #465: SCIM documentation