Troubleshooting Playwright

Troubleshooting Playwright integration with Currents

If you are experiencing issues with using @currents/playwright, please collect more information about the failure and submit a support request via our support channels.

👇 tl;dr follow the steps below for effective troubleshooting, thank you 🙏🏻

Collect environment information

  • Affected Run URL

  • The exact command used to run Playwright

  • Screenshots if applicable

Collect and share the debug logs

  • npx pwc --pwc-debug=remote ...

  • or set debug: "remote" in Currents reporter configuration

1. Collecting Environment Information

Please collect the following information to help us effectively debug the problem:

  • The associated dashboard Run URL

  • Screenshots if applicable

  • Your setup method and configuration files

  • The exact command used to run playwright

  • Environment information (use the command below)

Use the following command to print information about your CI environment

npx envinfo --system --binaries --browsers --npmPackages --duplicates --npmGlobalPackages

2. Activate Debug Mode

Debug mode for version 0.11.3 and after

@currents/playwright version 0.11.3+ simplifies collecting the debug logs by uploading them remotely to Currents.

To enable uploading the debug logs:

  • provide --pwc-debug flag to pwc CLI command, OR

  • set CURRENTS_DEBUG environment variable, OR

  • provide debug option to reporter configuration.

The following values will enable uploading the debug logs to our servers:

  • remote will upload the debug logs to Currents servers.

  • full will print the logs to stdout and also upload them to Currents.

For example:

# on Linux
npx pwc --pwc-debug=remote ... 

# on Windows
cmd /V /C npx pwc --pwc-debug=remote ...

When enabled, the debug logs will be uploaded to Currents servers and a confirmation message will be shown after the run's completion, for example:

Share the information about the collected remote debug logs with our support team for more effective troubleshooting.

Debug mode for versions 0.11.2 and below

Please capture and share the full debug log - that will help the support person identify the root cause faster

# on Linux
npx pwc --pwc-debug ... 

# on Windows
cmd /V /C npx pwc --pwc-debug ...

Last updated

#465: SCIM documentation

Change request updated